Photos part 7
LATIN AMERICA: More of my favourites...
Kris and trainee tour leader (from Colombia), Marcela - photographed in the Plaza of Arequipa

Camping on the beach in Peru

Sand blowing over the road

One of our passengers bought some footballs to give to kids as gifts

On the dunes of Huacachina, Peru

Trouble in the dunes


A tower for loading Guano on the Paracas Islands

The Pelicans waiting for fish titbits at the harbour

The next few pics are from Inca Trail
A porter resting on day 1

Several porters having lunch

Rural scences as we pass through villages

Me on trail

Hard at work

An "Inca" in Cusco

On the "Most Dangerous Road" bike ride, we enter the Yungas Valley, source of Bolivia's cocaine crops

Too much dust on the road down...